Upgrading to Storybook(v 6.3) for Angular 12
Jun 25, 2021
This article has few straight forward fixes which the migration document failed to mention or the fixes are in some other documents.
Step 1: Storybook Package upgrade
npx sb upgrade
Step 2: Angular and dependency Package upgrade
ng update @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12**If you are using angular material**
ng update @angular/material
Now lets come to the issues:
- when you run the project following the migration guide…
in your .storybook/main.js add
core: {builder: ‘webpack5’,},
Second Issue:
npm install @storybook/builder-webpack5@next @storybook/manager-webpack5@next — save-dev
- Error related to localize, even if you have proper configuration in your polyfills.ts file
- import localize in you config.js/preview.js file inside .storybook
import '@angular/localize/init';
That’s all 🥳
Now run the project and enjoy all new cool features.
Official Storybook migration guide
Whats new in storybook 6.3